In Balance is a healing massage and bodywork center located on Route 9 in the small country town of East Brookfield, Massachusetts.
Reading about our massage and bodywork center, you may notice that we sprinkle the phrase “heart-centered” throughout our pages. This means that our intention and our work extends from the heart. Sinking into our hearts for guidance allows for a gentle yet profound healing experience for our clients. We remain present and open to understanding where you are exactly in this moment, listening to what you need and letting your body guide us in the right direction.
Our practitioners provide a supportive space where your body, mind and spirit can enter a state of total relaxation. It is in this state of complete peace that every layer of our being can begin to heal. You are given permission to connect to yourself and receive what you need at that time. Our massage and bodywork center supports you no matter where you are in your healing journey.
History of Our Healing Massage & Bodywork Center
In 1991 Licensed Massage Therapist Lydia Adams purchased a home on Route 9 in East Brookfield, MA and transformed the space into what is now In Balance. This newly created massage therapy center inherited the former country home’s inviting look and feel. One year later, in 1992, Licensed Massage Therapist Martha Davis joined In Balance.
Time brought change. In 1999 Martha took full ownership of the property and business and has since operated In Balance as a healing massage and bodywork center catering to local residents of East Brookfield and neighboring towns. Throughout the following years, In Balance has offered visitors the chance to explore their interests by participating in various healthy living workshops and classes. Such offerings have included canine massage, advanced bodywork training, infant massage, yoga classes, and meditation sessions.
Staying In Balance
Today, In Balance is a healing massage and bodywork center that remains devoted to the community. Martha is passionate about educating and supporting others who are traveling their personal healing journey. It is through the qualities of gentleness, love, and acceptance that we may all heal ourselves and help those around us find joy and peace within themselves.
Promoting balance is a combined effort. Our attempt to keep life beautiful translates into healing massage and bodywork and regular workshops and classes. Join us for daily inspiration on our Facebook Page and educational bits on our blog.
Please contact us with any thoughts, suggestions, and questions.