Learning the basics of infant massage and movement allows for a bonding experience like no other. Loving touch is a natural instinct for parents. The purpose of our infant massage and movement classes is to support and enhance that instinct with caring guidance.
Valuable infant massage and movement techniques will teach you how to:
- Support the growth milestones
- Deliver focused, nurturing touch right away
- Encourage healthy brain development with appropriate stimulation and interaction
Benefits of Infant Massage & Movement Classes
The enjoyment that you and your baby are receiving may be valuable enough, but there are some very specific benefits of infant massage and movement classes.
Infant massage benefits include:
- Promotes parent-infant bonding
- Teaches non-verbal cues to and from infant
- Helps calm anxious, tense infants
- Speeds development of GI tract and lungs
- Reduces colic and other GI tract ills
- Promotes quality sleep
- Decreases stress chemicals
- Increases immunity
- Eases muscular tension brought on by developing motor skills
- Assists premature recovery
Infants learn through movement. The womb-to-world transition requires Baby to learn:
- Physical balance
- Control of the body
- How they relate to the external world of other people, objects and sounds
Research has proven the links between movement and brain development. As babies move through their stages of development, their brain is constantly processing information and making connections – by learning to lift their head, sit up, crawl, walk, grip, etc. What they learn and experience during these stages will lay down the foundation for reading, writing, coordination, problem solving and so much more.
Infant movement benefits include:
- Increases function of blood flow, lung capacity,
return of blood toheart - Relieves gas and constipation
- Contributes to brain development
- Stimulates environmental awareness for baby (visual and tactile)
- Gentle stretching relaxes and releases the limbs
- Encourages the use of both sides of the body (muscular coordination)
As your touch and awareness evolve, so will your baby. Parents and Baby will learn and grow together with our infant massage and movement classes.
Support Your Growing Baby
Infant massage and movement classes are available for parents and caregivers in a group setting or one-on-one. The classes are typically four one-hour sessions, but they can be tailored to your individual situation.
To sign up for our infant massage and movement classes, please contact us. Questions and thoughts are welcome.
Please note: The phone at In Balance is placed on silent. This ensures that clients currently receiving treatment will not be disturbed, and may fully enjoy the time they have set aside for themselves. Please leave us a message, and we will return your call as soon as possible.